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Jake's Site
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The first thing I did was determine my requirements for the site. 

I had a small budget for the project.  Therefore, free hosting was very attractive.  Since Tripod provides free Web site hosting with up to 11 Mb in space, and they also support the FrontPage Server Extensions so I could take advantage of FrontPage components like the hit counter and forms, I decided to use Tripod Web hosting services.
I wanted to use Microsoft Word as much as possible to create the Web pages, because I know Word and am comfortable with it.
I wanted to use Microsoft FrontPage 2000 because it would automatically link my pages together and allow me to rearrange and rename pages without having to go in and fix hyperlinks.
My site could be very simple, with only 4 pages, with a home page, and 3 sub-pages:

Home page
Photos - I wanted to show pictures of Jake that I had taken with a conventional camera and then scanned in using an inexpensive scanner I purchased at an electronics store.
About Jake - I wanted to simply describe what Jake is up to these days.
Great Links - I wanted to include a list of hyperlinks to great dog-oriented Web sites.

Once I made my plan, I was ready to do the computer work to get started on my site.