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I had a simple home page I created in Microsoft Word 2000.  It contained some text and an image.  Now that I had my site set up on Tripod, I wanted to be able to turn this Word document into my home page on https://members.tripod.com/jakethepuppy.  Here's how I used Word 2000 to save a document to my site on Tripod.

  1. Add my Tripod site to my Web folders.
  2. Create the page I want in Microsoft Word 2000.
  3. Save the page as a Web page to my Web folder called Jake the Puppy's Web site! (File, Save as Web Page).  I wanted this page to be automatically launched when a user typed in https://members.tripod.com/jakethepuppy, so I named the page index.htm.  You will then see a dialog box that says that the file is being transferred.
  4. Test your page in the browser.  In my case, I went to Internet Explorer and typed https://members.tripod.com/jakethepuppy in the address field.  I could see that my Word document was now posted on my Web site.

Note: that some hosting companies set up their servers to default to index.htm or index.html, and some set up their servers to default to default.htm or default.html.  Check with your hosting provider.

Next, I used FrontPage 2000 to set up the look of the site.

Note: If you don't have Word 2000, you can create your default page in FrontPage.  Just add the Web to your Web folders, then open the Web in FrontPage (File, Open Web), go into Navigation View and double-click on the home page to start editing it.