20-Minute Web Site
Jake's Site
Create Plan
Get E-Mail Account
Sign Up for Hosting
Edit Home Page
Consistent Look
Set Up Navigation

We all know that to create a great Web site, it takes planning, imagination, and sometimes, a lot of money.  In my case, I didn't have the time or money to spend on a simple Web project I dreamed up.  I just wanted to quickly create a simple Web site to show off our new golden retriever puppy, Jake.   (If you like, you can view the finished Web site at https://members.tripod.com/jakethepuppy.)

Here are the steps I took to create the basics for my Web site in less than 20 minutes, using Tripod.com for hosting and Microsoft FrontPage 2000 for creating and linking together the pages. 

  1. Create rough plan for the site.
  2. Get an e-mail account for Jake.
  3. Sign up for hosting at Tripod.
  4. FrontPage-enable my site.
  5. Edit home page in Microsoft Word.
  6. Create a consistent look to be applied to all pages using Microsoft FrontPage 2000.
  7. Create the navigational structure for my 4-page site.

After I had the site working the way I wanted, then I started to add content and information.  Since FrontPage 2000 looks and behaves a lot like Microsoft Word, I could add images, hyperlinks, and text just like I would in Word.  Simple!