FrontPage Server Extensions
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The FrontPage Server Extensions are software that allows a Web server to communicate with FrontPage to provide advanced functionality without the user having to know any programming.  There are many things that are enabled when a hosting company supports the FrontPage Server Extensions on their server, including:

The ability to author remotely.  That means that you can create and edit Web pages while connected directly to the server.  That seemed easier to me because I didn't want to have to bother with FTP programs or have to duplicate the files on my computer. 
Hit counters.  Instead of having to figure out how to get the Web page to communicate with the server to keep track of how many people visit my site, I can just insert the hit counter component in FrontPage, and it will take care of talking to the server.  I wanted to be hidden from the complexity.
Forms.  I thought that some day I would want to collect information from visitors to my site, and forms are easy with FrontPage as long as the Server Extensions are installed on the hosting company's server.