Web Folders
Jake's Site
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Web folders are new with Office 2000 and Internet Explorer 5.  They allow you to represent any Web server that you have access rights to as a Web folder that can then be access through the File, Save As/Save As Web Page dialogs in all of the Office 2000 applications. 

This is a major breakthrough because once you have your hosting company set up as a Web folder, you can save and edit documents on your Web server as easily as you save and edit documents from your hard drive or a network drive.

Web folders can be set up to represent any server that is running the FrontPage 98 or FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions, or the Office 2000 Server Extensions.  Since Tripod supports the FrontPage Server Extensions, I could easily set up my site on Tripod as a Web folder.  To save or open pages on my site on Tripod, I simply had to double-click on the Jake the Puppy's Web site! Web folder, just as I would with any document I work with that's on my local hard drive or network drive.

Here's how I added Jake's site on Tripod to my Web folders:

  1. On the Windows desktop, double-click on My Computer.
  2. Double-click on the Web Folders icon. 
  3. Double-click on the Add Web Folders icon.
  4. In the Type the Location to Add field, type in the location of the Web server.  In my case, it was https://members.tripod.com/jakethepuppy.  Then press the next button.
  5. In the Enter Network Password dialog, enter the user name and password you used when you signed up for Tripod hosting services.  In my case the user name is jakethepuppy.  Then press the OK button.
  6. In the Add Web Folder dialog box, type a familiar name for this Web folder.  In my case, I entered "Jake the Puppy's Web site!"  This is the title that appears in the Web folders list.  Then press the Finish button.  Next I could see that the "Jake the Puppy's Web site!" Web folder has been added:

Next, I continued editing my home page.